Backed by DAFZA



Updated September 07, 2022


  1. This Return, Refund and Cancellation Policy  (the “Policy”) applies to purchases made through the website or any mobile applications operated by Blink Technologies FZCO and its affiliates (“Tradeling” / the “Tradeling Platform”)
  2. Tradeling may update this Policy from time to time. Any changes to this Policy will be posted on this page. Once posted, the updated Policy will be effective immediately. It is your responsibility to review the Policy on a regular basis to keep yourself informed of changes. By continuing to access the Tradeling Portal and use its services, you agree to be bound by this Policy and any updated thereto. Please make sure that you read and understand Tradeling’s GTC and any related terms mentioned therein. This Policy, including any updates thereto, shall be subject to and forms an intrinsic part of the GTC
  3. Definitions

    Buyer – shall mean the person, company or entity purchasing or making an order for the purchase of any product/s from the Tradeling Platform, as further defined in the GTC or otherwise stated herein

    Seller - shall mean the person, company or entity selling any product/s from the Tradeling Platform, as further defined in the GTC or otherwise stated herein. Unless otherwise specified herein, or the context implies differently, for the purposes of the Policy, Tradeling shall also be considered a Seller.

    Return -  ordinary course returns of Products sold by any Seller on the Tradeling Platform, in compliance with this Policy in effect as of such sale.

    Refund – reimbursement of the amount paid for the Product being returned, less any applicable deductions in accordance with this Policy in effect as at the date of the sale / return.

    Product – is any item placed for sale by a Seller on the Tradeling Platform available for purchase by a Buyer.

    3rd Party Marketplace Seller – a Seller selling products to Buyers via the Tradeling Platform, excluding Tradeling.

    GTC – the User General terms and Conditions applicable to all users of the Tradeling Platform.

    Fulfilled by Tradeling – an order for the purchase of Products, which is sold directly by Tradeling in tis own name and on its own behalf to Buyers via the Tradeling Platform.

    Cancellation -  means the cancellation, in whole or in part, of an order (which has been duly received and confirmed by the Seller) by a Buyer for products sold via the Tradeling Platform either from a 3rd party marketplace seller or from Tradeling directly as seller.  Unless otherwise specified therefore, for the purposes of this Policy Seller shall mean either Tradeling itself or a 3rd Party marketplace seller.

    Change -  means a change in the quantity and, or, the specifications of a product which has been ordered by Buyer. 

    Near-Expiry - if the product shelf life is longer than one year, “near-expiry” means that the product has less than 6 months shelf life upon delivery; if the product shelf life is shorter than one year, “near-expiry” means that the product has less than 25% shelf life upon delivery

    COD – Cash-on-Delivery

  4. Orders Fulfilled by Tradeling

    This section of the Policy applies to purchases made through Tradeling that are fulfilled directly by Tradeling (“Fulfilled by Tradeling”), and where Tradeling is the direct Seller of the Products. (Return and refund terms for products sold directly by marketplace sellers, i.e. other than Tradeling, are listed further below.) Where the Seller is Tradeling, the Buyer may request a refund (Refund Request) only if: 


    1. the goods are defective, damaged or non-conforming to their description as stated on the Tradeling Platform (provided that Buyer has notified Tradeling in accordance with the following sections), or 
    2. if Tradeling is unable to fulfill the order or substitute the goods with same or similar goods to the satisfaction of buyer, or 
    3.  if no alternative supplier is available to deliver similar goods to the satisfaction of the Buyer. 

    A Refund Request shall be made by the Buyer in writing in accordance with the provisions set out below.


    1. Return and Refund Eligibility


      Unless further restrictions apply as specified in the sections below, or otherwise specifically agreed in writing between the Buyer and Tradeling, the following are acceptable reasons to return a product, and, or, request a refund in relation to said product:

      • product or product packaging is faulty, defective or damaged or not as advertised/described 
      • product does not conform with the description or specifications advertised by the Seller
      • product or order specifications do not meet the advertised specifications or requirements
      • product is not shipped in accordance with agreed shipping method or to agreed address 
      • products are counterfeit/fake
      • products are expired or near expiry (perishable products are not included)
      • delivery of the product is delayed, without prior notice and, or, without a justified reason ( eg. Force majeur) 
      • when the product ordered from Tradeling is out of stock or otherwise becomes unavailable by Tradeling’s own suppliers. 
      • increase in price of the product during the fulfillment process (if you place an order and the price was changed/not updated by the seller)


    2. Return Period


      Where a product is eligible for return, and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Policy,  the Buyer shall immediately (in the case of perishable products), and in no case later than 7 days from delivery (in the case of non-perishable products) , notify Tradeling in writing of its wish to return the product,  and request a refund. Such notice must include all relevant information describing the damage, non-conformity or reason for return in sufficient detail as to enable Tradeling to take the appropriate actions. 

      If no notice ( as described above) is received within that time, the Buyer will be considered as having accepted the product without objection. 

      PLEASE NOTE: Unless specifically agreed in writing between Buyer and Tradeling, products which are paid COD are not eligible for returns or refunds, as the goods should be inspected at the time of delivery.


    3. How to Initiate a Return


      To initiate a return, you must immediately, and by no later than 7 days from receipt of the product (unless otherwise agreed in writing), notify Tradeling in writing describing the damage, non-conformity, or other reason for return in sufficient detail as to enable Tradeling to make a claim to its Supplier or otherwise seek corrective action. The notification shall be made via email to Tradeling Customer Service at to open a case by quoting the:

      • Order or transaction ID;
      • Order value; and
      • Reason for return, including wherever possible or required under this Policy, evidence to support the claim, such as pictures or reports from third parties

      Upon receipt of the email, the Tradeling Customer Service team will investigate the claim and advise whether the products are eligible for return and refund under this Policy, and if any other information  that may be necessary.

       If the return and refund request is approved, the Customer support team will create a Return ID, and initiate the necessary actions to process the return and the refund in accordance with the terms contained herein. 


    4. Packing and Sending Returns


      When a product is eligible for return and refund, please make sure to carefully repackage the item in its original condition, including all original packaging and materials (instruction manuals, accessories, etc.) If a product is being returned as new but has clearly been used, marked, tampered with or damaged prior to its return, Tradeling reserves the right to refuse to issue the refund. 


    5.  Return Shipping Fees


      If the transaction took place within the UAE, Tradeling or the appropriate 3rd party marketplace Seller will be responsible for the collection and return process without further cost to the Buyer for shipping.

       If the transaction was outside of the UAE, the Seller will perform the collection and delivery process. The shipping costs will be borne in accordance withthe applicable INCOTERMS used on initial order for the product being returned. 

      For the avoidance of doubt, Tradeling will not cover the costs of any documentation required in relation to the return of the product.

       You will be informed of the collection process, timing and costs after you your return and refund request has been approved.


    6.  How the Refund Will be Received


      Where the Seller is Tradeling, the purchase amount, net of any applicable deductions, will be refunded to you using the same payment method used during the purchase, within 7 to 14 working days from the approval of the refund.


  5. Orders Fulfilled by Marketplace Sellers


    Products sold directly by 3rd party marketplace sellers on the Tradeling Platform, may be subject to additional restrictions and conditions, (for example, “non-cancellable” and non-refundable”). 

    When you place an order with a third party marketplace seller, your return and refund request will be, where applicable, forwarded by Tradeling to the respective seller. Tradeling accepts no liability in respect of claims for returns and / or refunds of items purchased from 3rd Party Marketplace Sellers, except as stated herein. 

    PLEASE NOTE:  While most Marketplace Sellers adopt Tradeling’s Policy, some have their own return and refund policy. Please make sure to review your Seller’s returns and refund policy, if and where applicable.


  6. Order Cancellation Policy 


    This terms below apply to products held in stock, and to Made-To-Order (MTO) items, and includes products stored or held outside UAE.

    To ensure delivery of the desired products in the shortest lead time, Tradeling starts processing your order  from the moment it is confirmed. Hence a request to cancel or change an order may not be feasible or acceptable in certain cases. Furthermore, logistics, locked-in pricing for ordered products and obligations toward 3rd party suppliers may impact Tradeling’s ability to accept a cancellation or change request. Therefore, please read carefully the below terms and conditions and contact us if you have any queries on this matter.


  7. Order Cancellation

    Subject to the terms and conditions contained below, generally: 


    1. The Parties may, by mutual written consent, agree to cancel a product at any time.
    2. To cancel an order, Buyer shall always require the Seller’s written consent
    3. Seller may cancel an order without obligation, liability to or consent from the Buyer.


    To request cancellation of a product order, Buyer must send a request in writing to the Tradeling via email or the appropriate Tradeling Platform functionality, requesting to cancel all or part of a non-executed pending order and which shows the status "Pending Fulfillment" in the Buyer’s Account.


    Upon receiving such notification, the Seller shall stop any work in respect of said order forthwith and advise Buyer in writing whether the cancellation order can be accepted (including any applicable conditions for such cancellation), or not.


    The Buyer may cancel an Order without any obligations towards the Seller, if:

    1. the cancellation request is received before the status of the order indicates “ ready to ship”, or “ order being prepared”, and in no case later than 24 hours from the order confirmation by the Seller.
    2. Seller breaches the terms of the Order or if the Seller will not be able to perform the Order, especially due to Seller’s financial position. 
    3. Seller is behind with performance of the whole or part of the Order or contractual obligations by more than 7 days


    Except as otherwise provided herein, or agreed by the Seller in writing, an order cannot be revoked or cancelled if it has been accepted for processing or has been executed. 


    Where a cancellation request has been approved but the Seller has already incurred costs and expenses that cannot reasonably be recovered through the sale of the products to another entity, Buyer will pay Seller for all such costs and expenses, which may include costs of related raw materials, packaging, shipping and any other costs or expenses related to the order fulfilment. In such cases, Seller may deduct such costs from any amounts pre-paid by the Buyer, or otherwise held on the Buyer’s account.


  8. Stock items


    When the shipping date of the Product  has been agreed by the parties, or specified by the Buyer, or notified by the Seller, changing or cancelling of a product order will only be considered if the request is received by Seller (i) before  the status of the order indicates “order being prepared” or “ ready to ship” and (ii) the request is received by Seller within no later than 24 hours from the confirmation of the order.

    PLEASE NOTE:  Changing or cancelling of orders cannot be accepted when same day shipping is specified or included in the order.


  9. Made-to-order items


    Some of the Seller’s products may be ordered or manufactured specifically according to the Buyer’s specifications. Hence, any changes or cancellation of orders made after the process has commenced can cause substantial disruption and result in significant costs to the Seller.

    Orders of products which are made-to-order or have otherwise been customised for the Buyer can only be cancelled within 2 hours of order free of charge.

    A cancellation request made after 2 hours of the order confirmation may be possible with the consent of the Seller, but will be subject to a 50% cancellation charge of the order cancelled. 

    PLEASE NOTE: Order Change or Cancellation requests will only be deemed valid and received if made between 9:00am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday UAE Standard time.


  10. Special large quantity orders


    Cancellation of special large quantity orders is not acceptable, unless specifically agreed in writing by the Seller.




