Backed by DAFZA

Become a Seller

Get discovered by business buyers in the MENA region. Expand your reach and boost your sales.

Why become a seller on Tradeling?

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Get discovered by buyers

With our search, filter and category options it is easy for the right buyers to find your products.

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Logistics support

We support you with every step of the trade journey. Import, export, customs, shipping, warehousing, last-mile delivery: we’ve got you covered!

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Product listing support

Our industry experts are ready to assist you. We’ll help you list and present your products to drives sales.

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Grow your business

Move your business online and expand your reach. We offer you unmatched access to the trillion-dollar MENA market.



Registered buyers



Unique visitors per month



Categories (and growing!)



Trade volume growth in 6 months

Get started today!

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Step 1

Create an account on our website. It is fast and free.

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Step 2

Upload your products.

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Step 3

Upload three documents: Your Identification Document, Business Registration Document, and VAT number.

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Step 4

We’ll verify your account and then you can start selling!

How it works at Tradeling

We’ve simplified the day-to-day business of selling and optimised tasks with the power of technology. Your Seller Centre on Tradeling gives you all the tools you need in a single place.

Easily manage your catalogue

Showcase your products in the best way. Your Seller Centre makes it easy to update and modify product details, mark out-of-stock items, set minimum order values, and run sales promotions.

Easily manage your catalogue

Get complete control of the order process

We give you many ways to sell more products: sell directly at set prices, or give buyers the option to negotiate directly with you. Now all your communications with buyers are in one place: making it easy to receive and track all your order enquiries, negotiations and finalised orders.

Get complete control of the order process

Efficiently handle the fulfillment process

Once you’ve sealed a deal, we offer you the complete range of features and services to fulfill orders. This includes end-to-end logistics, as well as managing cancelations and returns.

Efficiently handle the fulfillment process

Run promotions and launch campaigns

Rely on our marketing and sales team to support you with incresing visibility of your products on the platform.

Run promotions and launch campaigns
client testimonials

Tradeling is helping us bring healthy foods to the MENA region. We are reaching more customers and making more sales, at no additional cost.

Henry Haddad, General Manager, Kosmonte Foods

client testimonials

Having our products listed on Tradeling definitely makes sense. All of our products are available online for potential customers to see and get in touch with us directly.

Elie Moussi, Sales Manager, BRF – Federal Foods

Join Tradeling today!

Boost your business and increase your sales in the lucrative and growing MENA market.





